PHIL LYNOTT Photo Book Coming In November

July 28, 2023

Rufus Publications has announced "Portraits Of Phil Lynott", a photographic celebration of the legendary Phil Lynott, lead singer, bassist and driving force of THIN LIZZY.

Starting in the early 1970s, this book traces the career of the charismatic Lynott from the early days of THIN LIZZY through to GRAND SLAM and features an extensive essay from Sounds writer and Kerrang! editor Geoff Barton who recalls, "I had been invited by THIN LIZZY publicist Tony Brainsby to see the band rehearse with their two newly appointed guitarists, Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson. This must've been sometime during the early summer of 1974. Turning up at the studio as a naive and nervous 19-year-old, I knocked on the front door, which creaked open like something out of a haunted-house movie. Before I could step inside, I was confronted by LIZZY leader Lynott, disguised as a lunging, leather-jacketed lycanthrope. An unexpected development, because Phil was not a renowned practical joker. Growling and snarling, arching his fingers like Logan's spring-loaded claws, he was clearly under the influence of some kinda supremely spicy cured sausage."

GRAND SLAM's keyboardist and close friend of Phil has written an epilogue for the book and supplied some additional, private pictures from his GRAND SLAM days. Mark recalls: "GRAND SLAM were playing at the Wolverhampton Civic Hall and my Mum and Dad were there watching from the balcony and when Phil happened to notice them he got our spotlight operators to shine the lights on them and said to the crowd, 'I just want you all to say hello and wave to Mark's Mum & Dad'… What a momentous and fabulous gesture! He also enjoyed staying weekends at my house sleeping on the settee and loved a traditional Sunday dinner with my wife and family."

The book features hundreds of classic and unseen, carefully restored, black and white images of Lynott at play and playing live on a series of stunning, unforgettable tours. The book concentrates on the 1970s and finishes with the band at Live Aid in 1985. Contributing photographers include Fin Costello, Barry Plummer, PG Brunelli, Michael Putland and many more.

This book is 230mm square, case-bound, 240 pages, printed on luxury 170gsm matt-coated paper. The book comes with a fold out poster and is presented in a black slipcase with a gold foil logo. The main edition comes in 666 numbered copies and sells for £55 plus shipping.

In addition to this, a much larger, ultra-limited Leather and Metal Edition measuring 375mm square and presented in recycled leather and a hand welded aluminum metal slipcase with a screen-printed logo in a run of just 50 numbered copies. This will sell for £500.

The books will go on sale on Monday, July 31 at 3 p.m. U.K. time and will feature a 10% pre-order discount if ordered before September 15, 2023. The books will ship worldwide in November 2023.

Phil died in 1986 at the age of 36 after years of drug abuse.

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